Sparkling Burgundy Pkg/100
Qty: 1
Tent 20ft x 70ft
Tent 20ft x 40ft Frame
Availability: In stock
20 feet x 30 feet Clear Top Tent
Availability: In stockOut of stock
20 feet x 40 feet White Peak Marquee Tent
20ft x 80ft Frame Tent White Top – 1600 Sq. Ft (Holds upto 160 people with tables & chairs)
Weights, Walls, Lights Extra
20ft x 50ft Frame Tent White Top – 1000 Sq. Ft (Holds upto 100 people with tables & chairs)
20ft x 40ft Frame Tent White Top – 800 Sq. Ft (Holds upto 80 people with tables & chairs)
20ft x 30ft Frame Tent White Top – 600 Sq. Ft (Holds upto 60 people with tables & chairs)
20feet x 30feet White Peak Marqueee Tent
20feet x 20feet White Peak Marquee Tent – 400 Sq Ft. (holds 40 people w/tables & chairs)
20ft x 60ft Frame Tent White Top – 1200 Sq. Ft (Holds upto 120 people with tables & chairs)
20ft x 70ft Frame Tent White Top – 1400 Sq. Ft (Holds upto 140 people with tables & chairs)